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    And Just Like That 結果共6筆

  • DPP grapples with TikTok dilemma: To ban or not to ban

    The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) Secretary-General Hsu Li-ming expressed concern over the use of TikTok, stating that it is a difficult issue that the party cannot ban or use. He suggested that the party should consider strengthening its presence on alternative new media platforms like YouTube and Instagram for better public engagement. These comments were made during the party’s first central meeting after the recent presidential and legislative elections. Another party member, Hsu Shu-hua, acknowledged the DPP’s lack of engagement with young people and technology, including popular trends on TikTok, but argued against a ban, stating that it would be ineffective and that the issue should be confronted directly. Party member Wang Ting-yu recommended treating TikTok as a matter of national security and studying how Western countries have dealt with the platform. Legislator Hsu Chih-chieh echoed this sentiment, pointing out that democratic nations like the U.S. and the UK have imposed certain restrictions on TikTok. He urged Taiwan to take more precautions and learn from the policies of other democratic countries to safeguard itself against informational warfare. Secretary-General Hsu Li-ming emphasized the importance of dialogue and cooperation with civil society groups and the effective use of online platforms like Instagram, short videos, and TikTok, urging these actions to be taken now and not just during elections.
    2024/01/18 10:21
  • MOE: 19 Taiwan’s universities below 60% registration rate

    The Ministry of Education (MOE) has released the registration rates for first-year students at various tertiary institutions for the academic year 112. Out of the 29 universities, 10 have achieved a 100% registration rate, while 19 have fallen short of the 60% mark. Surprisingly, as of 2023, 112 universities had at least one department with zero registered new students, including prestigious institutions like National Taiwan University (NTU). NTU alone had five departments without any registered doctoral students, namely the Department of Drama and Theater, Department of Geography, Institute of Oceanography, Department of Plant Pathology and Microbiology, and the Doctoral Program in Microbiology. Other academic institutions with departments lacking registered students include National Tsing Hua University, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, National Cheng Kung University, and National Chengchi University. Kao Yuan University had the lowest new student registration rate at just 15.7% for the 112 academic year. The only national institution that did not meet the registration standards was the National Taitung Junior College, with a rate below 60%.
    2023/12/28 17:58
  • Taipei councilor exposes ’red infiltration’ via China trips

    Taipei City Councilor Chen Yi-chun has expressed concerns about stealthy trips organized by local community leaders to China, questioning whether they could be instances of "red infiltration." Chen highlighted a heavily subsidized trip advertised as a "Wuxi Community Exchange Study," which cost participants just NT$15,000 and included flights, hospitality, and lodging. She suggested that the trip seemed imbued with Chinese propaganda, as it included visits to historical towns, canal boat tours, and a Belt and Road Initiative silk factory, with a guide from the National People’s Congress Standing Committee of the Chinese Communist Party. Chen raised concerns about potential organized red infiltration, as local leaders covertly rallied groups and secretly canvassed like-minded community members to join the trip. She also questioned whether the Chinese Communist Party could be using these excursions to influence the votes of Taiwanese local residents in anticipation of Taiwan’s 2024 Presidential Election. Chen argued that the CCP could be engaging in a multifaceted campaign, including cognitive warfare and expansive propaganda, with the latest strategy involving ground-level infiltration to sway Taiwan’s electorate. She called for Taiwan’s national security agencies to remain vigilant and advised citizens to foster security awareness to guard against possible election meddling strategies by the CCP.
    2023/11/26 18:37
  • 《慾望城市》大人物遭控性侵!2女「鏡前被硬上」慘濺血

    美國67歲男星克里斯諾斯(Chris Noth)在知名影集《慾望城市(Sex and the City)》中飾演「大人物(Mr. Big)」一角而風靡全球,沒想到全新續集《慾望城市:華麗下半場(And Just Like That...)》才剛播出沒多久,諾斯竟遭2名女子指控性侵,2人甚至都在鏡子前慘遭「霸王硬上弓」,消息曝光後,引起各界震驚。
    2021/12/17 08:15
  • 《慾望城市》續集獨缺莎曼珊 知情人士曝:絕對沒賜死

    美國經典影集《慾望城市》強勢回歸,續集《And Just Like That…》即將在12月9日首播。但有許多影迷惋惜,過去4人行遍紐約的身影不再,甚至還傳出莎曼珊(Samantha Jones)將在續集被賜死。不過,知情人士澄清絕無此事,莎曼珊只是搬到另一個城市。
    2021/11/25 17:39
  • 被網友批老 《慾望城市》凱莉回嗆:不然我該怎麼辦?

    HBO影集《慾望城市》(Sex and the City)1998年首播到現在仍備受許多粉絲喜愛,20多年後回歸小螢幕,續集《慾望城市:華麗下半場》(And Just Like That...)將在12月開播。劇中靈魂人物,56歲女星莎拉潔西卡派克(Sarah Jessica Parker)接受《VOGUE》專訪,針對網友的毒舌批評做出回應。
    2021/11/08 18:50
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